Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022

Presentation information

[J] Oral

O (Public ) » Public

[O-03] Natural disasters and people- the role of scientists in disaster prevention

Sun. May 22, 2022 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 303 (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Akira Wada(Tokyo Institute of Technology), convener:Yukihiro Takahashi(Department of Cosmosciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University), Miwa Kuri(Japan Meteorological Agency), Chairperson:Akira Wada(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Miwa Kuri(Japan Meteorological Agency), Yukihiro Takahashi(Department of Cosmosciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University)

9:40 AM - 10:05 AM

[O03-02] Volcanic Disaster Prevention Education at Mt. Fuji: Practices and Issues in Yamanashi Prefecture

★Invited Papers

*Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto1, Tomohiro Kubo1, Toshitsugu Fujii1 (1.Mount Fuji Research Institute, Yamanashi Prefectural Government)

Keywords:Volcanic Disasters, mitigation, Volcanic Disaster Prevention Education, Mt. Fuji

To mitigate volcanic disasters, we must evacuate precisely. Delayed evacuation affects human lives, and excessive evacuation can destroy the local economy. However, the variety of volcanic phenomena, the extent of their effects, and the timing of their arrival make it difficult for residents to evacuate precisely. In addition, volcanic hazard maps are often prepared for each volcanic phenomenon, so we need to know how to use these volcanic hazard maps.
In Yamanashi Prefecture, disaster prevention education has been provided not only to the public but also to educational institutions in various ways. For example, we have held a training program for teachers every year to provide them with knowledge of volcanoes, the eruption history of Mt. Fuji, and analog experiments that can be used in educational fields. We support teachers and schools with two menus. One is "Mt. Fuji Nature Class" students learn about Mt. Fuji using the institute's site. The other is "Mt. Fuji Learning Support" we teach the formation of Mt. Fuji and community history learning in the visiting classes. In addition, in recent years, we have been cooperating with the media to create programs for children and hold events using these programs. We are also developing a volcano experiment kit that can be used immediately at schools and a support system for disaster prevention education. There are many requests for support from educational institutions; however, these supports are provided only by the staff of Mount Fuji Research Institute, Yamanashi prefectural government, and there is a lack of human resources.
In this presentation, we will introduce the volcano disaster prevention education for the future eruption of Mt. Fuji in Yamanashi Prefecture and its issue