

[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 P (宇宙惑星科学) » P-PS 惑星科学

[P-PS03] 太陽系小天体:太陽系進化における最新成果と今後の展望

2022年5月26日(木) 13:45 〜 15:15 展示場特設会場 (1) (幕張メッセ国際展示場)

コンビーナ:岡田 達明(宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所)、コンビーナ:黒田 大介(京都大学)、樋口 有理可(産業医科大学)、座長:金丸 仁明(宇宙航空研究開発機構)、黒田 大介(京都大学)

15:00 〜 15:15

[PPS03-23] Investigations of Dynamics of Binary Asteroid System and Non-Gravitational Effects with Hera Mission

*金丸 仁明1岡田 達明1、トンメイ ジャコモ2、千秋 博紀3嶌生 有理1坂谷 尚哉4田中 智1荒井 武彦5関口 朋彦6出村 裕英7、石崎 拓也1大杉 歩8神山 徹9 (1.宇宙航空研究開発機構、2.ピサ大学、3.千葉工業大学、4.立教大学、5.前橋工科大学、6.北海道教育大学、7.会津大学、8.東京大学、9.産業技術総合研究所)


The European spacecraft Hera will be scheduled for launch in 2024 and arrival at a binary asteroid, (65803) Didymos and Dimorphos in 2027. ISAS/JAXA will provide the Hera mission with a thermal infrared imager (TIRI) and perform the thermal imaging of the binary asteroid. The TIRI team is planning to determine the thermophysical properties of the asteroids and conduct the detailed characterization of the artificial impact crater excavated by the DART spacecraft.

Our team will also contribute to working group activities of the Hera science team and provide high-level products from Hera's observation data. One of the working groups, the Non-Gravitational Acceleration (NGA) team is in charge of investigating the binary YORP (BYORP) effect on the asteroids' system. BYROP is the thermally induced acceleration or deceleration on a tidally locked satellite around a primary asteroid, which may cause a secular change in the semi-major axis and eccentricity of the mutual orbit (Ćuk and Burns, 2005; McMahon & Scheeres, 2010). The group of the University of Pisa aims to detect the changes in the orbit and spin parameters of the primary and secondary from the precise orbit determination (Zannoni et al., 2018). The ISAS team and collaborators will contribute with thermal observation and modeling. Some thermophysical models have been developed for the Hayabusa2 mission (e.g., Takita et al., 2017; Senshu et al., in prep.; Kanamaru et al., 2021), and these models will be improved and integrated for the Hera mission. The thermal force and torque on the asteroids should be simulated by a thermophysical model tuned based on the intensity distribution of the thermal radiation observed by TIRI.

Comparison of the results of the orbit determination with the thermal observations and modeling will reveal the dynamical evolution of the binary asteroids. From the magnitude of the BYORP effect, we can estimate the dynamical lifetime of the binary system. If no change in orbit could be observed, it is possible that the BYORP effect that tends to shrink the mutual orbit is balanced by a tidal effect that expands the orbit (Walsh and Jacobson, 2015. in Asteroids IV). These investigations will be helpful for understanding the formation and evolution processes of binary asteroids that account for 15% of the asteroid population.