12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
[SIT18-12] Toward an understanding of fluid-induced growth of oscillatory-zoned garnets in Group-C eclogites: Temporal constraints from nanoscale cation-diffusion modeling
Keywords:garnet, eclogite, oscillatory zoning, intermediate-depth seismicity, scanning transmission electron microscopy, cation diffusion
We focused on the syngenetic omphacite inclusion in Syros eclogite depicted in the Figure 9 of Fukushima et al. (2021) [Am. Mineral.]. Considering Fe heterogeneity (~130 nm in width) within the garnet-hosted omphacite, we assumed that the peak-T residence time of the eclogite was too short to erase the compositional gap with thermal relaxation of Fe2+–Mg. As the omphacite inclusion lies just inside of the oscillatory-zoned, outer shell of the garnet (~300 µm in width), the peak-T annealing time would be equivalent to the growth duration of the oscillatory-zoned garnet shell. By analyzing 18 representative Fe intensity profiles, we estimated the product of the diffusion coefficient and time as log10[Dt, m2] = –16.4 ± 0.6 (1s). Then, applying experimentally determined Fe2+–Mg interdiffusivity in diopsidic clinopyroxene, we obtained the growth durations of the oscillatory-zoned garnet rim as log10[t, yr] = 2.8 ± 0.9 (1s, at T = 560 ± 25℃) and log10[t, yr] = 3.6 ± 0.8 (1s, at T = 530 ± 17℃). Although the uncertainty is too large to precisely determine the duration, these values imply that the garnet rim grew faster than typical garnet porphyroblasts with a confidence of ~80%.
However, a question that arises here is, if the outer shell grew rapidly, what is the cause of this event? Our P–T pseudosection modeling did not show any transitions of garnet-forming reactions at around the peak metamorphic condition. Moreover, the extent of nucleation overstepping was calculated to be typical values (<~30℃ or <~1.5 kJ per mole garnet), which may preclude exceptionally rapid growths of the entire garnet. Therefore, we conclude that significant fluid-infiltration and subsequent reaction catalyzation and/or cation mobilization is required to produce such oscillatory-zoned garnet rims. This interpretation is consistent with the prevailing idea of fluid-induced oscillatory-zoning formation, and might provide a critical constraint on fluid-involved garnet-growth kinetics during incipient eclogitization of subducted slab. Furthermore, this result demonstrates the potential of nanoscale geochemical analyses for discussing short-span (<~104 years) geological events, including megathrust earthquakes in subduction zones.