Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022

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[U-09] Submarine volcanic eruption in Tonga accompanied by a meteo-tsunami

Mon. May 30, 2022 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Online Poster Zoom Room (40) (Ch.40)

convener:Toshiyuki Hibiya(Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo), convener:Fukashi Maeno(Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo), convener:Kensuke Nakajima(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,Flculty of Sciences,Kyushu University), convener:Yoshihiko Tamura(Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics, Japan Agency for Maine-Earth Science and Technology), Chairperson:Toshiyuki Hibiya(Department of Ocean Sciences, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology), Fukashi Maeno(Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo), Kensuke Nakajima(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,Flculty of Sciences,Kyushu University), Yoshihiko Tamura(Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics, Japan Agency for Maine-Earth Science and Technology)

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

[U09-P27] Geophysical observation records of Tonga large volcanic eruption by Asia-Pacific network (Pacific21)

*Yasushi Ishihara1 (1.Institute for Marine Geodynamics, JAMSTEC)

Keywords:Pacific21, Broadband seismometer, Atmospheric pressure variation

Pacific21 network is one of international geophysical network in Asia-Pacific region.
As for seismological observation, the network operates very broadband (360sec) sensors and most data are distributed to organizations and researchers via telemeters and internet.Some stations have high resolution barometer or geomagnetic sensor at the same location.

Atmospheric pressure variation and meteotsunami excited by large Tonga volcanic eruption are reported globally. Barometer of Pacific21 network also records clear signal with the peak of about 2hPa.
High resolution very broadband seismometers measure the gravity variation and
ground tilt. In our research, ground tilt has high coherency with atmospheric pressure
variation in longer period greater than 40sec by long-term sprectrum stacking analysis.
Atmospheric pressures change clearly with more 20min time width. It ls expected that
the evolution of ground response accurately. The polarity of ground tilting matches
the back azimuth of air pressure wave propagation from Tonga volcano.

In the vertical component of very broadband seismograms, the coupling mode
between atmosphere and solid earth is characterized in long elapse time.
And apparent location dependence also recorded and it will be evaluated.
This presentation introduce geophysical data originated by the Tonga eruption
in the Pacific21 network and ground response due to atmospheric pressure