Exhibitors' information
LightStone Corp.
We are distributor of computer software for scientific research.
Providing fully user support from 1995.
◆Groundwater flow, coastal & riverine environments and hydrologic simulations
◆Create 3D models with speedy & simplicity user interface
◆Simulations for flood hazard, contamination & transport, well management, coastal sediments and so on.
◆Dedication to MODFLOW support
Catalog (PDF)
◆Create Contour Maps, 3D Suffuse, Grid Value and other type of maps
◆Grid data with certainty
◆Work seamlessly with all coordinate systems
◆high-quality 2D/3D graphing tools
◆Import, graph, explore, analyze and interpret your data
◆Curve fitting, FFT and other powerful analysis & statistics tools
Catalog (PDF, 17MB)
◆With greater accuracy than other automated solutions
◆With built-in supervision over your results
◆Simulation and Visualization
◆Cluster Analysis
◆Fast. Accurate. Easy to use. Stata is a complete, integrated software package that provides all your data science needs—data manipulation, visualization, statistics, and automated reporting.
◆Broad suite of statistical features and graphs
◆Lots of documentation – over 18,000 pages in 35 volumes. Everything is available right within Stata.
Providing fully user support from 1995.
Groundwater Modeling System GMS
Surface-water Modeling System SMS
Watershed Modeling System WMS
Surface-water Modeling System SMS
Watershed Modeling System WMS
◆Groundwater flow, coastal & riverine environments and hydrologic simulations
◆Create 3D models with speedy & simplicity user interface
◆Simulations for flood hazard, contamination & transport, well management, coastal sediments and so on.
◆Dedication to MODFLOW support
Catalog (PDF)
Create Professional Maps/Graphs for Your Field
◆Create Contour Maps, 3D Suffuse, Grid Value and other type of maps
◆Grid data with certainty
◆Work seamlessly with all coordinate systems
◆high-quality 2D/3D graphing tools
The Ultimate Software for Graphing & Analysis
New version was released!OriginPro
◆Import, graph, explore, analyze and interpret your data
◆Curve fitting, FFT and other powerful analysis & statistics tools
Catalog (PDF, 17MB)
Image Analysis Software
◆Significantly faster and with much less user variability than hand analysisMIPAR
◆With greater accuracy than other automated solutions
◆With built-in supervision over your results
Complete XRD Analysis JADE
Phase Identification & Quantitation PDF-4/PDF-2
◆Whole Pattern Fitting + RietveldPhase Identification & Quantitation PDF-4/PDF-2
◆Simulation and Visualization
◆Cluster Analysis
Statistical software for data science
New version was released!Stata
◆Fast. Accurate. Easy to use. Stata is a complete, integrated software package that provides all your data science needs—data manipulation, visualization, statistics, and automated reporting.
◆Broad suite of statistical features and graphs
◆Lots of documentation – over 18,000 pages in 35 volumes. Everything is available right within Stata.
2-5-12 Higashi-kanda, Ryukakusan Bldg. 7th floor, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo -
Web site, SNS