Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023

Exhibitors' information



◆Earth, Planets and Space(EPS)
Earth, Planets and Space
Earth, Planets and Space (EPS) presents scientific articles on earth and planetary sciences, particularly geomagnetismaeronomyspace scienceseismologyvolcanologygeodesy, and planetary science. EPS also welcomes articles on new and interdisciplinary subjects, including instrumentation.
Gold Open Access Journal
publishing with Springer-Nature
Impact Factor (2021): 3.362
5-year IF (2021): 3.442
CiteScore: 5.4
H Index: 81

Rapid peer review and publication
42 days to first decision for all manuscripts (Median)
44 days to first decision for reviewed manuscripts only (Median)

Article Type
Full Paper without word limit.
Express Letter has a limit of 5000 words including the main text, figure legends and table legends. The sum of the number of figures and tables should be less than or equal to 5.
Frontier Letter can be submitted upon invitation by the Editor-in-Chief.
Technical Report describes the technical development of instrument or software.
Comment is a substantial re-analysis of a previously published article in the journal.

“Express Letter”
Express Letters provide you with a fast turnaround time, while maintaining rigorous peer review.

"Technical Report"
Technical Reports present a software tool or an experimental or computational method, test or procedure, or hardware design.
Special Issues
We welcome proposals for special issues

Submit your paper to journal EPS

Article Processing Charge
Non-Members 1,475 $
Members* 1,401.25 $
(*) The APC for members is applicable when a corresponding author belongs to any of the five societies that co-publish EPS.

Editor in Chief
Takeshi Sagiya
Nagoya University, Japan

Vice Editors-in-Chief
Masahito Nosé   Aitaro Kato

Advisory Board
Editorial Board