Hiroshima Institute of Plate Convergence Region Research (HiPeR) is a research center that has been certified as “Centers of Excellence” in Hiroshima University. The staff of the Depart...
JAXA Earth Observation Research Center (EORC) conducts calibration & validation of satellite data, and the Earth science research and application research using those data.
Protecting people’s lives and properties from natural disasters is a critical issue. NIED conducts comprehensive research on "mitigation of earthquake disasters" and "soci...
AD Science Inc. started in 1992 as a distributor of high-sensitive cooled CCD camera with high-definition for scientific research. We have accumulated much know-how in these fields ...
Project Overview
Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world. Many earthquakes occur every year, and it is considered that a huge earthquake could occur in the Nankai Trough o...
◆Institute for Planetary Materials
The Institute for Planetary Materials, Okayama University is located in Misasa, Tottori Prefecture, a town that is well-known for its hot spring. The mission of ...
◆Providing leading-edge tools
Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis provides leading-edge tools that enable materials characterisation and sample manipulation at the nanometre scale. Used on ele...
Earth and Planetary Science covers various fields: solid Earth, atmosphere and ocean, surface environments including biosphere, planets and minor objects in the solar system, and space beyond the s...