Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023

Session information

Flash Talk

Flash Talk » Flash Talk

[S-TT43] Creating future of solid Earth science with high performance computing (HPC)

Mon. May 22, 2023 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM International Conference Room (IC) (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

Flash Talk Content

Due to the development in computer science and computational science, large-scale or many times forward simulations and/or inversion analyses have become available recently. In solid Earth science, large-scale seismic wave propagation and crustal deformation with high fidelity models based on high resolution observation data have been demonstrated; uncertainty in crustal deformation caused by material properties and structures can be investigated based on many-time calculations for different material properties and structures; fault slip inversion analyses for non-Gaussian error distribution, etc. Thus, we will invite researchers who are applying HPC technology in forward simulations and inversion analyses and discuss how to improve more the collaboration between computer & computational sciences and solid Earth science. We are welcome submission by the researchers who are interested in this scope, especially students and young researchers.

Flash talk (10:15 AM - 10:30 AM)



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