


フラッシュトーク » フラッシュトーク

[S-VC28] International Volcanology

2023年5月24日(水) 16:45 〜 17:00 303 (幕張メッセ国際会議場)


The aim of this session is to share global perspectives on fundamental research themes in volcanology, by comparing case studies of recent and past eruptions in Japan and abroad. We welcome presentations on pre-eruptive magmatic processes, eruption dynamics, monitoring and response practices, and experimental volcanology.
In response to recent eruptions around the world, this session seeks contributions that: integrate petrological, geochemical, and geophysical data; advance eruption forecasting techniques; utilize remote sensing of eruptive phenomena and deposits; explore the mechanisms of explosive and effusive eruptions; and provide rapid communication of new eruption survey results and monitoring techniques.
This session will provide a platform for Japanese researchers to disseminate their research to a global audience, alongside welcoming international participants into the JpGU community. International Volcanology offers a chance for all presenters to share lessons from their research that will yield greater understanding of the universal aspects of volcanic systems and eruptions, build international collaboration networks, and improve mitigation of future volcanic hazards.

フラッシュトーク (16:45 〜 17:00)




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