Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023

Session information

[J] Online Poster

S (Solid Earth Sciences ) » S-EM Earth's Electromagnetism

[S-EM15] Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism

Wed. May 24, 2023 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Online Poster Zoom Room (14) (Online Poster)

convener:Yutaka Yoshimura(Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University), Yoichi Usui(Kanazawa University)

On-site poster schedule(2023/5/23 17:15-18:45)

We are going to discuss the issues on the magnetic fields of the Earth and extraterrestrial bodies, paleomagnetism, rock magnetism, and their applications. This session includes following topics: (1) observations and analysis of the magnetic fields of the Earth and other planets, (2) paleomagnetic field variations obtained from natural and archaeological materials, (3) numerical and laboratory studies on the magnetic field generations in the Earth and planets, (4) measurements and theories of magnetic properties of rocks, minerals, meteorites, and other materials, (5) climate changes and surface tectonics based on magnetic measurements of rocks and sediments, (6) observations and models of the surface magnetic anomalies of the Earth and extraterrestrial bodies, and (7) related developments of the measurement methods and data analysis. We also encourage papers stimulating interdisciplinary collaborations relating to the establishment of the SEDI-Japan community. The presentations and discussions will be made in Japanese or English. We also encourage presentations of students and young researchers.

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

*Yuhji Yamamoto1, Hirokuni Oda2, Noriko Tada3, Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto4, Fukashi Maeno5, Minoru Takeo5 (1.Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University, 2.Research Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 3.Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics, JAMSTEC, 4.Mount Fuji Research Institute, Yamanashi Prefectural Government, 5.Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo)

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

*Yutaka Yoshimura1, Hyeon-Seon Ahn2,3, Yuhji Yamamoto2, Chisato Anai2, Yoshinori Tajiri1, Tadahiro Hatakeyama4, Masao Ohno1 (1.Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University, 2.Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University, 3.Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, 4.Institute of Frontier Science and Technology, Okayama University of Science)



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