Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023


Mon. May 22, 2023

156 results  (71 - 80)

  • [J] Oral
  • | S (Solid Earth Sciences )
  • | S-TT Technology & Techniques

Mon. May 22, 2023 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM International Conference Room (IC) (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Takane Hori(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Yuji Yagi(Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba), Katsuhiko Shiomi(National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience), Takanori Matsuzawa(National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience), Chairperson:Takane Hori(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Katsuhiko Shiomi(National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)

  • [J] Online Poster
  • | S (Solid Earth Sciences )
  • | S-TT Technology & Techniques

Mon. May 22, 2023 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Online Poster Zoom Room (6) (Online Poster)

convener:Hiromichi Nagao(Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Aitaro Kato(Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo), Keisuke Yano(The Institute of Statistical Mathematics), Takahiro Shiina(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

On-site poster schedule(2023/5/21 17:15-18:45)

  • [J] Oral
  • | S (Solid Earth Sciences )
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Mon. May 22, 2023 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM 301A (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Kyoko Okino(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Keiichi Tadokoro(Research Center for Seismology, Volcanology and Earthquake and Volcano Research Center, Nagoya University), Chairperson:Ryoya Ikuta(Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University), Fumiaki Tomita(International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University)

  • [J] Online Poster
  • | S (Solid Earth Sciences )
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Mon. May 22, 2023 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Online Poster Zoom Room (6) (Online Poster)

convener:Hisahiko Kubo(National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience), Yuki Kodera(Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency), Makoto Naoi(Kyoto University), Keisuke Yano(The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)

On-site poster schedule(2023/5/21 17:15-18:45)

  • [J] Oral
  • | S (Solid Earth Sciences )
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Mon. May 22, 2023 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM 302 (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Yuichi Kitagawa(Tectono-Hydrology Research Group, Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Naoji Koizumi(School of Environmental Science,the University of Shiga Prefecture), Takafumi Kasaya(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Fumiaki Tsunomori(Geochemical Research Center, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo), Chairperson:Yuichi Kitagawa(Tectono-Hydrology Research Group, Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Fumiaki Tsunomori(Geochemical Research Center, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo)

  • [J] Online Poster
  • | S (Solid Earth Sciences )
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Mon. May 22, 2023 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Online Poster Zoom Room (3) (Online Poster)

convener:Kimiyuki Asano(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), Tanaka Shinya(Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd.), Ken Miyakoshi(Ohsaki Research Institute), Hiroe Miyake(Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo)

On-site poster schedule(2023/5/21 17:15-18:45)

  • [J] Oral
  • | S (Solid Earth Sciences )
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Mon. May 22, 2023 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 202 (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Gou Fujie(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Naoto Hirano(Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University), Takanori Kagoshima(University of Toyama), Yuya Akamatsu(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Chairperson:Yuya Akamatsu(Hiroshima University), Naoto Hirano(Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University)

  • [J] Oral
  • | S (Solid Earth Sciences )
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Mon. May 22, 2023 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM 202 (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Gou Fujie(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Naoto Hirano(Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University), Takanori Kagoshima(University of Toyama), Yuya Akamatsu(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Chairperson:Takanori Kagoshima(University of Toyama), Gou Fujie(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)

  • [E] Oral
  • | B (Biogeosciences )
  • | B-BG Biogeosciences & Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions

Mon. May 22, 2023 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM 304 (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Shino Suzuki(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Tomoyo Okumura(Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University), Yuki Morono(Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Yuta Isaji(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Chairperson:Shino Suzuki(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Tomoyo Okumura(Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University), Yuta Isaji(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)

  • [E] Oral
  • | B (Biogeosciences )
  • | B-BG Biogeosciences & Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions

Mon. May 22, 2023 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM 304 (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Shino Suzuki(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Tomoyo Okumura(Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University), Yuki Morono(Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Yuta Isaji(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Chairperson:Shino Suzuki(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Tomoyo Okumura(Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University), Yuki Morono(Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)