

[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-AS 大気科学・気象学・大気環境

[A-AS04] 台風研究の新展開~過去・現在・未来

2023年5月23日(火) 09:00 〜 10:15 103 (幕張メッセ国際会議場)

コンビーナ:辻野 智紀(気象研究所)、金田 幸恵(名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所)、伊藤 耕介(琉球大学)、宮本 佳明(慶應義塾大学 環境情報学部)、座長:辻野 智紀(気象研究所)、金田 幸恵(名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所)

09:30 〜 09:45

[AAS04-03] 台風の面的風分布推定手法の開発に向けて

*嶋田 宇大1 (1.気象庁気象研究所)


Information on tropical cyclone (TC) wind structure [e.g., the radius of maximum wind (RMW), radii of 30 and 50 kt, and asymmetric structure] is essential for both disaster prevention and deepening scientific understanding of TCs. In the western North Pacific (WNP), however, it has been hard to estimate TC wind structure in the inner core, including the RMW and asymmetric structure, due to the lack of high wind field observations. Recently, with the advent of synthetic aperture radar (SAR), it has become possible to observe very high wind speeds with high spatial resolution from space. In this study, we began to develop a method for the estimation of TC wind structure in TCs in the WNP. As a first step, we examined the feasibility of a regression approach to estimate a TC wind field and the RMW based on the statistical relationship between wind structure parameters from SAR, numerical model wind fields, and satellite cloud patterns. The results show that while it has a limitation of small sample size, the approach was found promising.