Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023

Presentation information

[J] Online Poster

A (Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences ) » A-AS Atmospheric Sciences, Meteorology & Atmospheric Environment

[A-AS07] Atmospheric Chemistry

Tue. May 23, 2023 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Online Poster Zoom Room (3) (Online Poster)

convener:Yosuke Sakamoto(Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies), Risa Uchida(Japan Automobile Research Institute), Shigeyuki Ishidoya(Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Yoko Iwamoto(Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University)

On-site poster schedule(2023/5/22 17:15-18:45)

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

[AAS07-P20] Microplastics detected in human lung tissue and BALF using µRaman Spectroscopy

*Osamu Nagafuchi1, Koyomi Nakazawa2, Ken’ichi Shinozuka3, Takatomo Tokito4, Takashi Kido4, Satoshi Mizoguchi4, Koichi Tomoshige4 (1.Fukuoka Institute of Techology, 2. Toyama Prefectural University, 3.Gifu University, 4.Nagasaki University Hospital)

In recent years, there has been an increase in reports on atmospheric microplastics (MPs), which have been detected not only in urban areas but also in remote areas.
It is still unknown whether atmospheric MPs are inhaled, deposited and accumulated in the human lung. In this study, we first examined whether atmospheric MPs are present in lung tissue and BALF. The experimental samples consisted of 5 air samples, BALF of 5 patients, lung tissue of 5patients and procedure blank. A total of 20 samples were analyzed according to the final protocol. A reliable method for detection of MP particles under 10 µm in these samples was developed. Chemical digestion of these samples, staining with Nile red, subsequent fluorescent microscopy with identification of MPs size by ImageJ and µRaman spectroscopy were performed. Morphology, particle size distribution and composition of MP polymers were assessed. The morphology was present in both fibers and fragments, with the majority being less than 10 µm. Of the MPs detected, 10 polymer types were identified with polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polystyrene (PS) the most abundant.