

[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-CG 大気海洋・環境科学複合領域・一般

[A-CG30] 中緯度大気海洋相互作用

2023年5月21日(日) 10:45 〜 12:00 201A (幕張メッセ国際会議場)

コンビーナ:関澤 偲温(東京大学先端科学技術研究センター)、桂 将太(東京大学大気海洋研究所)、安藤 雄太(九州大学)、木戸 晶一郎(海洋開発研究機構 付加価値創生部門 アプリケーションラボ)、座長:桂 将太(カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校スクリプス海洋研究所)、関澤 偲温(東京大学先端科学技術研究センター)

10:45 〜 11:00

[ACG30-01] Ocean Mesoscale Air-Sea Interactions: Physics, Impacts, and Role of Surface Waves

★Invited Papers

*Hyodae Seo1 (1.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

キーワード:air-sea interaction, western boundary current, surface waves, bulk formula

Recent observations and coupled modeling studies have identified a widespread regime of ocean-atmosphere coupling mediated by mesoscale and submesoscale variability of sea surface temperature and ocean surface currents and their interaction with surface waves. This presentation will provide a broad overview of the current scientific understanding of the physics and the impacts of ocean mesoscale air-sea interaction, as documented in a recent comprehensive review paper by the US CLIVAR Working Group (Seo et al. 2023). I will then discuss the impacts of wave-wind and wave-current interactions on air-sea momentum fluxes. Notable deficiencies are identified in advanced wave-based bulk flux algorithms, such as the COARE v3.5, representing the surface wave impact on the surface drag, especially in mixed sea conditions where swell and short-wind waves co-exist, and the waves are strongly misaligned with the wind and currents. By exploiting the high-resolution coupled model simulations and the analyses of direct covariance flux measurements, various approaches will be attempted to mitigate the deficiencies in COARE, offering a path forward to the improved regime-based understanding and representation of the air-sea-wave interaction physics in high-resolution Earth System models.