Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023

Presentation information

[J] Oral

A (Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences ) » A-HW Hydrology & Water Environment

[A-HW23] Isotope Hydrology 2023

Thu. May 25, 2023 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 106 (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Masaya Yasuhara(Rissho Univ.), Kazuyoshi Asai(Geo Science Laboratory), Takashi Nakamura(International Research Center for River Basin Environment, University of YAMANASHI), Shinji Ohsawa(Institute for Geothermal Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University), Chairperson:Masaya Yasuhara(Rissho Univ.), Kazuyoshi Asai(Geo Science Laboratory), Takashi Nakamura(International Research Center for River Basin Environment, University of YAMANASHI)

9:00 AM - 9:25 AM

[AHW23-05] Prediction of wine grape condition based on seasonal pattern of soil moisture variation

★Invited Papers

*Hiroshi Ishidaira1 (1.University of Yamanashi)

Keywords:Soil moisture, Wine grape

The objective of this study is to develop a method for predicting wine grape conditions based on seasonal patterns of soil moisture variation. In addition, the potential use of stable isotope observations for improvement of the proposed method is also discussed.