*Takeyuki Ueki1
(1.Faculty of Education an Human Sciences, Teikyo University of Science)
Keywords:Muroto Peninsula, Holocene incised-valley fill, stratigraphy, chronology, non-marine deposits, sediment supply
The Holocene incised-valley fills in the Muroto Peninsula, southeast shikoku Island, southwest Japan are composed of non-marine deposits, influenced intensely by high sediment supply from a river than transgression. In the Nahari Lowland, 14C ages of basal gravels indicates an amalgamation of MIS 3 to 2 gravels. In the Murotsu Lowland, incised-valley fills predate to the Holocene sea-level maximum, influenced intensely by seismic-uplifting than transgression. Stratigraphy and chronology of the Holocene incised-valley fills in the Muroto Peninsula are incomparable with those in the Kanto Plain.