09:45 〜 10:00
[MAG34-04] 福島の森林環における放射性セシウムの長期移行状況
In Japan's forests, field data on the distribution and migration of radiocesium deposited by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident have been vigorously collected over 11 years from the initial dynamics. In this presentation, we summarize the mechanisms of radiocesium transfer in Japanese forests. The research targets the transfer between atmosphere, canopy, and soil due to hydrological processes and the discharge from the forest headwater catchment through the water system, based on the results of field monitoring in experimental forest areas and watersheds in Kawamata and Namie towns, Fukushima Prefecture. In addition, we clarified the difference in the transfer rate of radionuclides between Fukushima and Chornobyl by combining the findings of previous studies. Finally, we discussed the transfer phenomena in forests that need further clarification because they may have long-term effects on the distribution of radionuclides in the forests.