3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
[MIS08-P09] Diatom turnover during the Pliocene Warm Period in the Ross Sea in relation to paleooceanographic change
Keywords:Diatom, the Southern Ocean, Paleoceanography, Pliocene, Micropaleontology
In the Ross Sea, the first occurrences of Fragilariopsis bohatyi group concentrated in 3.0–3.5 Ma and plays a part in the significant peak of diatom turnover however, their paleoecological characteristics have been poorly understood. The International Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Exp. 374 drilled Hole U1524A core, which contains continuous Plio-Pleistocene records in super high resolution on the continental slope. In this study, diatom assemblage analysis was conducted to clarify the occurrence process of Fragilariopsis bohatyi group. The fluctuation of Fragilariopsis bohatyi group abundance was compared with paleoceanographic interpretation based on fossil diatom indicators and biomarkers.
As a result of diatom valve counting and assemblage analysis, “in-situ” species valves occupied assemblages between 233 and 245 m CSF-A (ca. 3.21–3.16 Ma), and fluctuation of environmental indicator indicated rapid warming followed by gradual cooling environment. At the short interval at 245 m CSF-A, a significant increase in SST calibrated by TEX86 paleothermometry and the sharp decrease in hydrogen isotope values of C18FA are recognized suggesting rapid warming and substantial input of ice-sheet meltwater. The relative abundance of the Fragilariopsis bohatyi group increased dramatically at 245 m CSF-A. These results infer that the existence of an open water environment accompanying rapid warming triggered the occurrence of Fragilariopsis bohatyi group.