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Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023

Presentation information

[J] Online Poster

M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary) » M-IS Intersection

[M-IS12] Geophysical fluid dynamics-Transfield approach to geoscience

Wed. May 24, 2023 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Online Poster Zoom Room (4) (Online Poster)

convener:Keita Iga(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Shigeo Yoshida(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University), Takatoshi Yanagisawa(Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Hidenori AIKI(Nagoya University)

On-site poster schedule(2023/5/23 17:15-18:45)

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

[MIS12-P06] M-IS12 Why can "Multi-Impact Hypothesis" explain Geomagnetic Eccentricity and Alternating Reversal Mechanism?
-Why is Moon Origin Hypothesis Verifiable to Origin of Plate Tectonics?

*Akira Taneko1 (1.SEED SCIENCE Lab.)

Keywords:M-IS12 Why can "Multi-Impact Hypothesis" explain Geomagnetic Eccentricity and Alternating Reversal Mechanism?, Why is Moon Origin Hypothesis Verifiable to Origin of Plate Tectonics?, ''Multi-Impact Hypothesis'' could explain all Results [Current Status] of Evolution of Solar System. ⇒This Hypothesis was able to verify Solar System, Earth's Axis Tilts due to Collision, and Flow Direction of Eccentric Fluid Core Alternately reverses due to Lunar (External Force) Moment., 'Multi-Impact Hypothesis'' could explain all Results [Current Status] of Evolution of Solar System. ⇒This Hypothesis was able to verify Solar System in a unified way. Abduction = Truth, Positivists abandoned Search for Origins, and Origin Seekers used Results of Evolution to test Origin Hypotheses using Abduction.

[A]M-IS12 Why can "Multi-Impact Hypothesis" explain Geomagnetic Eccentricity and Alternating Reversal Mechanism?
At present, I don't think there are many people who are interested in geomagnetic eccentricity and alternating Reversals.(a) Utilitarians and Realists don't need Reasons. We only need Result. (b) Only Idealist, Rigorist, and True Seeker want to know Reasons and Mechanisms. (c) And I hope that it will be of Some Help to Direction of Evolution, Future, Exploration and Increase of Knowledge.
Laws of Physics and Chemistry are useful for Interactions between Substances. Laws transcend Time and Space. Laws of Evolution can explain Evolution of Life as well as Continental Drift and Erosion of Planets and Earth, as well as Earthquakes and Climate Change, and Birth of Moon, through Search for Origins.
"Multi-Impact Hypothesis", which traces back to before Birth of Living Things, to Missing Link where Knowledge is Missing, can Explain All Results of Evolution in a Unified and Consistent Manner, and has been Verified by what we call "Abduction". cf. This Origin Research Method is First Verification Method in World that I have come up with. Instead of Demonstrating Reproducibility, we use "Multi-Impact Hypothesis" to show that those of us who are Result of Evolution can identify Current Features [e.g. It always Faces Earth and Rotates, etc.]

[B]-Why can "Origin Hypothesis of Moon" be verified for "Origin of Plate Tectonics"?
"Multi-Impact Hypothesis" is a Hypothesis of Origin of Moon, but it is also a Hypothesis of Origin of Solar System, and Earth is part of Solar System, so Same Hypothesis can be verified. Specifically, Differentiated Protoplanet CERRA, which was born at Position of Asteroid belt, was perturbed by Gravitational pull of Giant-Mass Planet JUPITTER, which was born later. It split into a Fragment and [CERRA` Core + remaining Mantle = Mercury] and settled at Orbital Position of Mercury. At this time, an Intermittent Collision occurs at Position of Intersection with Earth's Orbit.⇒ Discovery of [Idea of Inevitable Impactor Hypothesis only for Mantle],
In Multi-Impact hypothesis, a Mantle-only Impactor collided with Earth as a Mantle fragment due to Perturbation of Jupiter, flattening Orbit of Planet at Ceres.Then, Moon, which has an Eccentric Center of Gravity of only Mantle, is ejected, rotates around Common Center of Gravity with Earth, and Front Side always faces EarthA-4.At Maximum Oblate Orbit shown by A-2, Gravitational Pull of Jupiter and Sun exceeded Rupture Strength of CERRA, resulting in a Train Mantle Fragment like Comet Shoemaker.Calculated Velocity and Angle of Inevitable Collision are 12.4km/sec and 36.45°, and Orbital Potential Energy is 60×Re, which is consistent with Actual Moon.Ejected Earth's Mantle is dense and black on one side, causing Sea and Eccentricity on Front Side of Moon.In this way, it can be said that Multi-Impact Hypothesis can be explained by Abduction, so it can be verified that all Features of Moon can be explained from the Hypothesis.
⇒Congruence with Nature is a Unified Demonstration of Evolution of Earth.

[C]Eccentricity of Geomagnetism (Van Allen belts) is caused by Eccentricity of Fluid Core, and Origin of fluid core eccentricity was caused by Iso-static Rise of Mantle Defect at the time of Lunar Ejection.
Figure is a Cross-Sectional View of Earth. Connection of Pacific Rim Archipelago and Back-Arc Basin, One Side of Tithys Sea (Indian Ocean) [Himalayan Arc, Java Arc], etc. Underground is High Temperature and High Pressure, but Solids are melted under reduced Pressure (Including Collision Energy) due to Defects and Flow. Inner Wall of Mantle = Outer Cre outer Wall.

[D]Mantle and Inner Solid Core rotate independently, Earth's Axis tilts due to Collision, and Flow Direction of Eccentric Fluid Core alternately reverses due to Lunar (External Force) Moment.
Since Earth's Axis of Rotation is tilted about 23 Degrees from Orbital Plane with Moon, Outer Core becomes an Alternating Annular Flow.

[E]''Multi-Impact Hypothesis'' could explain all Results [current status] of Evolution of Solar System. ⇒This Hypothesis was able to verify Solar System in a unified way. Abduction = truth
We are living in Result of a One-Off Evolution of Earth, and Verification of Hypotheses is based on Conformity with Nature.In other words, instead of Reproducibility, we evaluate and verify How Many Items can be uniformly explained by Original [Physically Meaningful] Origin Hypotheses for Results and Characteristics of Evolution that Actually occurred only Once.

[F]Positivists abandoned Search for Origins, and Origin Seekers used Results of Evolution to test Origin Hypotheses using Abduction.