3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
[MIS17-P07] Fragmentation rate of ocean microplastics: an estimate based on their size distribution
Keywords:Ocean Microplastic, Distribution, Microplastic Size
It is thought that the ocean current field around Japan may be related to the size distribution of microplastics. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to clarify the characteristics of the size distribution and to estimate the fracture rate, which were obtained from microplastics observations around Japan. Especially in the Japan Sea, we found that the size of microplastics tends to be smaller downstream of the Tsushima Warm Current flowing through the Japan Sea.
Furthermore, the study conducted a microplastic drifting simulation incorporating the crushing processes of landfall and redrift. The results showed that the microplastics off the coast of North kyushu were repeatedly washed ashore and re-drifting in the Tsushima Current. From the advection velocity toward downstream and the size change rate, we also estimated that the crushing rate of microplastics is about 8.5 × 10-2 mm in 100 days.