

[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 P (宇宙惑星科学) » P-EM 太陽地球系科学・宇宙電磁気学・宇宙環境

[P-EM11] 系外惑星

2023年5月24日(水) 13:45 〜 15:15 102 (幕張メッセ国際会議場)

コンビーナ:小玉 貴則(東京大学)、野津 翔太(理化学研究所 開拓研究本部 坂井星・惑星形成研究室)、川島 由依(理化学研究所)、森 万由子(東京大学)、座長:中山 陽史(立教大学理学研究科物理学専攻)、小玉 貴則(東京大学)

14:15 〜 14:30

[PEM11-13] Two affecting mechanisms on atmospheric carbon of super-Earth: Magma versus Atmospheric escape

*Chanoul Seo1,2Yuichi Ito2Yuka Fujii2 (1.The Graduate University for Advanced Studies、2.National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)

キーワード:super-Earth, Planetary atmosphere, Magma, Atmospheric escape

Super-Earths are the common exoplanets with a few earth radii. The mass and radius of super-Earth correspond to the two compositions, a thicker atmosphere with a silicate core and an H2O-rich composition. Atmospheric characterization is expected to give some hints about their interior.
To find some clues for the super-Earth atmosphere and its connection to the internal structure, previous studies (e.g., Kite et al. 2020, Hu et al. 2021, Yu et al. 2021, and Schlichting+ 2022) discussed the effects of chemical reactions and the planet surfaces on the atmospheric compositions of super-Earths but with assumptions such as artificial atmospheric metallicity, exclusion of magma, or the use of only H and O-bearing volatiles.
In this research, we highlight the magma's effect on the other radiatively active species, the C-bearing species with the expectation they can be a possible probe of the exposed magma. This effect is compared to the atmospheric escape that also affects the atmospheric composition through selective hydrogen escape. We assume the atmospheric composition before the reaction as the nebula gas-like composition.
We first study the atmospheric compositions of the magma-containing super-Earths, assuming the nebula gas accretion onto the silicate core. We focus on H, O, and C-bearing species. We find that magma can increase the atmospheric C/H ratio by isolating the C-bearing species in the atmosphere because of the much higher solubility of H2O to the magma than the C-bearing species. We quantify this effect by describing the atmospheric C/H ratio as a function of the planetary mass, radius, and equilibrium temperature.
To discuss the energy-limited atmospheric escape, we calculate the resultant atmospheric composition of super-Earth by the atmospheric escape effect. Through the quantitative calculation, we show the effect of the atmospheric escape on the atmospheric C/H ratio with specific planetary age prior as a function of the planetary mass, radius, and orbital radius.
Based on these results, we compare the effect of magma and the effect of atmospheric escape depending on planetary parameters. We also discuss how other mechanisms affect the atmospheric C/H ratio, including mantle convection and the solidification of magma.