


ポスター発表 » 現地ポスター発表

[PS] 現地ポスター発表(2023/5/21)

2023年5月21日(日) 17:15 〜 18:45 現地ポスター会場 (幕張メッセ展示ホール8)

17:15 〜 18:45

[H-CG24] 圏外環境における閉鎖生態系と生物システムおよびその応用


In this session, since 2011, we and invited researchers have been introducing and discussing about practical and useful life-support systems in closed bio-ecosystems for inhabitation on extraterrestrial environments. Not only biological studies but also engineering ones including broad research fields are our target. And also, we assume that it is indispensable to discuss about these interdisciplinary fields for inheriting to our next generation and for developing our field. Theme from old and basic to current and applicative, from senior to youth including undergraduate, are welcomed.