


ポスター発表 » 現地ポスター発表

[PS] 現地ポスター発表(2023/5/23)

2023年5月23日(火) 17:15 〜 18:45 現地ポスター会場 (幕張メッセ展示ホール8)

17:15 〜 18:45

[S-CG52] 海洋底地球科学


Most of Earth's volcanism and much of its tectonic activity occur on and beneath the seafloor. Various phenomena on the seafloor are closely linked to plate tectonics, Earth's structure and dynamics, and also related to Earth's environments through the hydrosphere and atmosphere. Seafloor rocks and sediments record Earth's evolution and heat and material fluxes on the Earth. Ocean Floor Geoscience session covers a broad range of research on seafloor such as mid-ocean ridge process, subduction dynamics, arc magmatism, hot spot and LIPs, crustal movement and structure, etc. Every field of research and every approach are welcomed. The session aims to encourage discussion among scientists from different study fields and to integrate our understanding of the ocean floor. The session is co-chaired by K. Okino (Univ. Tokyo), K. Tadokoro (Nagoya Univ.), O. Ishizuka (AIST), T. Toki (Univ . Ryukyus), and N. Takahashi (NIED/JAMSTE).