Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023

Presentation information

[J] Online Poster

P (Space and Planetary Sciences ) » P-PS Planetary Sciences

[P-PS07] Planetary Sciences

Tue. May 23, 2023 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Online Poster Zoom Room (1) (Online Poster)

convener:Masanori Kanamaru(The University of Tokyo), Sota Arakawa(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)

On-site poster schedule(2023/5/22 17:15-18:45)

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

[PPS07-P30] Report of Solar System Bodies Workshop for Youngers: Toward the Sustainable Development of the Planetary Science Community

Ryotaro Araki1, Kenyo U2, *Yudai Suzuki2, Ren Ikeya3, Shobuzako Kensuke4, Kosei Toyokawa5, Shunsuke Nozaki6, Shuhou Maitani7, Tomohiro Yoshida5 (1.Osaka University, 2.University of Tokyo, 3.Kobe University, 4.Kyushu University, 5.Graduate University of Advanced Studies, 6.Tokyo Institute of Technology, 7.Meiji University)

Keywords:Youngers, Community, Workshop

In this presentation, we will report on the virtual activities of Solar System Bodies Workshop for Youngers (SSBW), a society established during the coronavirus pandemic. Additionally, we will present some ideas for the continued growth and development of the planetary science community.

Given the significant advancements in planetary science in recent years, a comprehensive examination of the field is crucial for advancing and progressing our own research. We have been dedicated to the solar system bodies and endeavor to provide opportunities for young researchers, including undergraduate and graduate students in master's programs, to gain a comprehensive understanding of planetary science through the presentation and discussion of research by peers. Furthermore, in the era of virtual conferences, many students have limited opportunities to exchange ideas and opinions at conferences and workshops. Therefore, we strongly emphasized fostering interactions among participants by allocating ample time for discussion during the virtual workshop. Each speaker presented for a duration of 5 to 20 minutes. The workshop was held in the month of November both 2021 and 2022.

In the workshop, more than 60 individuals registered for both SSBW2021 and 2022, and over 20 presenters participated, making it a relatively large student-led workshop, with an average attendance of 20 to 50 individuals during the presentations. During the discussion sessions, a diverse range of opinions were exchanged among PI, PD, and students. The discussions of invited talks were also active. According to the post-workshop survey conducted after SSBW2022, the majority of participants found the (1) lecture time, (2) discussion and exchange, and (3) overall workshop to be satisfactory. All respondents answered that they were satisfied with all of these items. However, 6% of the participants responded that (4) the date of the meeting was not convenient for them. In the survey, one participant commented that they were unable to attend due to year-end preparations, and we will take this into consideration when planning the timing of future events.

We believe that such activities should continue in the future. We argue that this type of online workshop can contribute to the growth and development of the planetary science community as it provides an accessible platform for participation and interaction among researchers. Additionally, this experience will be valuable for the students who organized this meeting as they moderate and facilitate future meetings at Japan Geoscience Union and other organizations. Another benefit of this workshop is that it was conducted online, resulting in a reduced administrative workload in comparison to an on-site meeting, which is crucial for the formation of a sustainable community. We welcome the audience of this presentation to provide their insights and suggestions for the future advancement of planetary science community.