*Zhiyi Zeng1, Peng Han1, Jincheng Xu1, Ying Chang2
(1.Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, 2. Institute of Mining Engineering, BGRIMM Technology Group)

Keywords:Microseismic event, Migration diffraction stacking (MDS) imaging, Polarity correction
Microseismic events can delineate fault and fracture distribution in natural and induced earthquakes. Migration diffraction stacking (MDS) imaging implicitly assumes that the traveltime corrected seismic waveforms will stack coherently, making it a practical method to detect and locate microseismic events simultaneously. However, the polarity reversal caused by source radiation patterns interferes with the coherence stack. We develop a method of directly transforming the original signal polarity to consistency using the Hilbert transform, rather than aiming to identify and correct the polarity. The method can refocus the dispersed energy and preserves time-domain noise incoherence to suppress spatial-domain imaging noise. We have demonstrated its effectiveness with synthetic data. Application to real data from the coal-bed methane (CBM) fracture experiment locates more microseismic events in the practical fracturing depth. Since the polarity correction is completed in the data domain before imaging, this method is adapted to various seismic monitoring projects.