*Abdul Rashid Bin Mohamed Shariff 1
(1.Universiti Putra Malaysia )
Keywords:SDGs, Over-Development, Sustainable Development, Landslides, Public Participation, Green Lung
The SDGs are important to developing countries because they address some of the biggest challenges facing these nations and provide a roadmap for sustainable and equitable development. This talk will focus on the over-development, the problems caused to society by such developments and propose solutions to this issue. Climate change focuses on taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Deforestation and loss of biodiversity; over-development often results in deforestation, habitat loss, and a decline in biodiversity, which can have devastating consequences for ecosystems and the services they provide. Water scarcity needs to be addressed to ensure water availability and the sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Over-development can lead to increased water demand, pollution, and depletion of water resources, which can lead to water scarcity and impact the availability of clean drinking water for communities. Land degradation is a major challenge in many overdeveloped areas. Overuse of land for agriculture, urbanization, and other purposes can lead to soil degradation, desertification, and loss of fertile land. Air pollution: Over-development often leads to increased air pollution from transportation, industrial activities, and energy production, which can have negative impacts on human health and the environment. In conclusion, over-development can have negative impacts on the environment, human health, and the achievement of sustainable development. The SDGs provide a framework for addressing these challenges and promoting sustainable and equitable development. This presentation will give examples with particular experience from Malaysia.