

[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 U (ユニオン) » ユニオン

[U-03] Advanced understanding of Quaternary and Anthropocene hydroclimate changes in East Asia

2023年5月25日(木) 10:45 〜 11:45 展示場特設会場 (1) (幕張メッセ国際展示場)

コンビーナ:Li Lo(Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University)、横山 祐典(東京大学 大気海洋研究所 )、窪田 薫(海洋研究開発機構海域地震火山部門)、Chuan-Chou Shen(National Taiwan University)、座長:窪田 薫(海洋研究開発機構海域地震火山部門)、Li Lo(Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University)、Chuan-Chou Shen(National Taiwan University)

11:15 〜 11:30

[U03-08] The critical role of the westerlies in past and future East Asian Summer Monsoon

★Invited Papers

*John C H Chiang1 (1.University of California Berkeley)

キーワード:Monsoon, Westerlies, Rainfall

The East Asian Summer Monsoon is unique amongst summer monsoonal systems in its spatial structure as well as in its complex seasonality, exhibiting dynamically distinct rainfall stages and abrupt transitions between them. Previous studies have alluded to the seasonally-varying downstream influence of the westerlies flowing around the Tibetan Plateau as central to the rainfall seasonality. I explore the hypothesis that the East Asian summer rainfall variability and change arise through modulation in the meridional position of the westerlies impinging on the Plateau, which in turn altered the timing and duration of its seasonal transitions. The viability of this hypothesis is demonstrated through examples from paleoclimate variations and observed modern-day variability. For future climate, the influence of the westerlies leads to marked intensification of the East Asian rainband during the pre-Meiyu stage, because of stronger westerlies impinging on the Tibetan Plateau during this time of the year.