Mon. May 22, 2017 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
101 (International Conference Hall 1F)
convener:Kyu-Myong Kim(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Teppei J Yasunari(Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University), Mian Chin(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Toshihiko Takemura(Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University), Chairperson:Mian Chin(NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center), Chairperson:Teppei Yasunari(Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University), Chairperson:Toshihiko Takemura(Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University), Chairperson:Kyu-Myong Kim(NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center)
Aerosol is a key components of monsoon climate system. Aerosol affects not only clouds, rainfall, and circulation, but also air quality, environment, and human health. The goal of this session is to explore interaction among aerosols, monsoon climate, and human activities from regional to global scales. We invite abstracts of modeling and observational studies exploring: (1) Aerosol-Radiation interaction, aerosol-cloud interaction, and their impacts on monsoon hydrological cycle, (2) the role of aerosols in changing heat and water exchanges at the earth surface including snow-ice darkening effects, and (3) the impact of aerosol emission, transport on air quality. The other topics related to the aerosol-pollution-climate system are also welcome.