*Maeng-Ki Kim1, William K. M. Lau2, Kyu-Myong Kim3, Jeong Sang1, Teppei J. Yasunari4 (1.Kongju National University, 2.University of Maryland, 3.NASA GSFC, 4.Hokkaido University)
Session information
[EE] Poster
A (Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences) » A-AS Atmospheric Sciences, Meteorology & Atmospheric Environment
[A-AS07] [EE] Aerosol impacts on air quality and climate
Mon. May 22, 2017 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall HALL7)
convener:Kyu-Myong Kim(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Teppei J Yasunari(Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University), Mian Chin(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Toshihiko Takemura(Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University)
Aerosol is a key components of monsoon climate system. Aerosol affects not only clouds, rainfall, and circulation, but also air quality, environment, and human health. The goal of this session is to explore interaction among aerosols, monsoon climate, and human activities from regional to global scales. We invite abstracts of modeling and observational studies exploring: (1) Aerosol-Radiation interaction, aerosol-cloud interaction, and their impacts on monsoon hydrological cycle, (2) the role of aerosols in changing heat and water exchanges at the earth surface including snow-ice darkening effects, and (3) the impact of aerosol emission, transport on air quality. The other topics related to the aerosol-pollution-climate system are also welcome.
*Kyu-Myong Kim1, William K-M Lau2, Maeng-Ki Kim3, Jeong Sang3, Teppei J. Yasunari4, Randal D. Koster1 (1.NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2.Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland, 3.Department of Atmospheric Science, Kongju National University, 4.Hokkaido University)
*Keiya Yumimoto1,2, Taichu Y Tanaka2, Takashi Maki2 (1.Kyushu University, 2.Meteorological Research Institute)
*Taichu Y Tanaka1, Takashi Maki1, Keiya Yumimoto2,1, Maki Kikuchi3, Mayumi Yoshida3 (1.Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency, 2.Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, 3.Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
*Mian Chin1, Huisheng Bian1, Louisa Emmons2, Johannes Fleming3, Tom Kucsera1, Marianne Lund4, Bjorn Samset4, Kengo Sudo5, Toshihiko Takemura6, Simone Tilmes2 (1.NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA, 2.National Center for Atmopheric Research, USA, 3.ECMWF, UK, 4.Center for International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo, Norway, 5.Nagoya University, Japan, 6.Kyushu University, Japan)
*Jeong Sang1, Maeng-Ki Kim1, Chang-Hoi Ho2, Rokjin Park2, Jung-hun Woo3, Sang-Kyun Kim4, Sung-Chul Hong4 (1.Kongju National University, 2.Seoul National University, 3.Konkuk University, 4.National Institute of Environmental Research)
*Dongdong Yang1,2, Shuyun Zhao2,1, Hua Zhang2,1, Xinyong Shen1 (1.Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, 2.Laboratory for Climate Studies of China Meteorological Administration, National Climate Center)
*Yun Gon Lee1, Kyu-Myong Kim2 (1.Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Chungnam National University, 2.Climate and Radiation Laboratory, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, USA)
*Sergey Borisovich Belan1, Mikhail Arshinov1, Boris Belan1, Natalia Voronetskaya2, Galina Pevneva2, Anatolii Golovko2, Alexander Kozlov3, Denis Simonenkov1, Denis Davydov1 (1. V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, 2.Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, SB RAS, 3.Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, SB RAS)
*Hamza Kunhu Bangalath1, Jerry Raj2, Georgiy Stenchikov2 (1.New York University Abu Dhabi, 2.King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
*Atsushi Yoshida1, Moteki Nobuhiro1, Sho Ohata1, Kouji Adachi2, Tatsuhiro Mori1, Makoto Koike1, Akinori Takami3 (1.Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, 2.Meteorological Research Institute, 3.National Institute for Environmental Studies)
*Yasuhito Igarashi1, Hiroyuki Hagino2, Mizuo Kajino1, Kohei Nishiguchi4, Kazuyuki Kita3, Takeshi Kinase3 (1.Atmospheric Environment and Applied Meteorology Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, 2.Energy and Environment Research Division, Japan Automobile Research Institute, 3.Departement of Sciences, Ibaraki University, 4.J-Science Labo Co. Ltd.)