*Xiuping Mei1, Mian Liu2 (1.Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, Lanzhou, Gansu province, China, 2.Department of Geological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA)
Session information
[EJ] Poster
S (Solid Earth Sciences) » S-IT Science of the Earth's Interior & Tectonophysics
[S-IT32] [EJ] Recent earthquakes and deep structure of the Earth in and around Tibetan Plateau
Wed. May 24, 2017 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall HALL7)
Collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates resulted in the formation of the Tibetan Plateau. The continental collision geology and associated severe earthquakes have long been studied in the geosciences. In recent years, many new research projects have been launched in the region with exciting results and identification of some new scientific problems. In this session, we will focus on current issues about crustal uplift and growth of the Tibetan Plateau, and discuss new results from geophysics, geology, geodesy and geochemistry. This session will provide an interdisciplinary platform to encourage collaborations on studies of crustal and mantle structure, as well as the related seismic hazards of the Tibetan Plateau.
*Md Moklesur Rahman1, Ling Bai1, Nangyal Ghani Khan1, Guohui Li1 (1.ITP,CAS, Beijing, China)
*Nangyal Ghani Khan1,2, Ling Bai1, Junmeng Zhao1, Guo Hui Li1, Muhammad Mokleshur Rahman1 (1.Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese academy of sciences, Beijing, P.R. China, 2.COMSATS institute of information technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan)
*Shunping Pei1, Quan Sun1, Yanbing Liu1, Xiaotian Xue1, Zhigang Shao2 (1.ITP Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2.Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration)
*heng zhang1,2, Dapeng Zhao3, Junmeng Zhao1, hongbing Liu1 (1.Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences , 2.Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT, 3.Department of Geophysics, Tohoku University)
*Changhui Ju1,2, Junmeng Zhao1, Qiang Xu1 (1.Key Laboratory of Continental Collision and Plateau Uplift, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences , 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)