*Keir Becker1、Earl E Davis2、Andrew T. Fisher3、Masataka Kinoshita4、Heinrich Villinger5 (1.University of Miami - RSMAS, Miami FL USA、2.Geological Survey of Canada, Sidney BC Canada、3.University of California, Santa Cruz CA USA、4.Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo Japan、5.University of Bremen, Bremen Germany)
セッション記号 U (ユニオン) » ユニオン
[U-03] [EE] Discoveries from Subseafloor Sampling and Monitoring using Scientific Ocean Drilling
2017年5月22日(月) 17:15 〜 18:30 ポスター会場 (国際展示場 7ホール)
The sediments and lithosphere beneath the seafloor hold invaluable information on the history and dynamics of climatic, biological, chemical, and geological changes over 100 million years. Scientific deep-sea drilling (currently through the International Ocean Discovery Program, IODP) has been providing unique opportunities among various geoscieintific methods to discover their histories and dynamics over time scales covering climatic, geohazards and mantle convection processes. Such knowledge is also recognized as important for projecting the current Earth system into the near and far future, particularly involving the effects of anthropological interventions. This session invites contributions that focus on the perspectives of recent new discovery geoscientific discoveries based on ocean floor drilling and borehole observatory records, and further on visions of new paradigms of ocean science. The session will cover mainly the four scientific themes in the current IODP science plan of: (1) Climate and ocean changes, (2) Biospheres frontiers, (3) Earth connections, and (4) Earth in motion. Also, we encourage contributions relating science to societal relevance, such as environmental and geohazard problems facing the society today.
*木下 千裕1、Saffer Demian2、Kopf Achim3、Rösner Alexander3、Wallace Laura4、荒木 英一郎5、木村 俊則5、町田 祐弥5、小林 励司6、Davis Earl 7、Toczko Sean5、Carr Stephanie8 (1.京都大学大学院理学研究科、2.ペンシルバニア州立大学、3.ブレーメン大学、4.GNS Science、5.海洋研究開発機構、6.鹿児島大学、7.カナダ地質調査所・太平洋地球科学センター、8.コロラド鉱山大学)
*Michael Strasser1,5、Toshiya Kanamatsu2、Ken Ikehara3、Shuichi Kodaira2、Cecilia McHugh4、& IODP Proposal 866 proponent group 、& SO251 Science Party (1.University of Innsbruck、2.JAMSTEC、3.AIST、4.City University New York、5.MARUM)
*末広 潔1、Kawamura Yoshi1 (1.Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)