JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017

Session information

[JJ] Oral

S (Solid Earth Sciences) » S-SS Seismology

[S-SS15] [JJ] Strong Ground Motion and Earthquake Disaster

Wed. May 24, 2017 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM IC (International Conference Hall 2F)

convener:Seiji Tsuno(Railway Technical Research Institute), Chairperson:Masumi Yamada(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), Chairperson:Masayuki Yoshimi(Geological Survey of Japan, AIST)

Strong ground motion has social impacts as it induces earthquake disasters. We solicit contribution on any seismological topics related to strong ground motion that includes, but are not limited to, source processes, wave propagation, and site effects. We also welcome contribution on earthquake related disaster mitigation.



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