[BAO01-P11] Proto-arc model for ribose and nucleotide genesis: information from Isua Supracrustal Belt
Keywords:Proto arc, Borate, ribose
I propose that environments created by Hadean proto-arc were ideal not only for TTG genesis but also for prebiotic ribose and nucleotide formations. In isolated and shallow basin on proto-arc, evaporation may have helped to concentrate borate and phosphate, probably precipitating lunebergite. Water in this isolated and shallow basin was alkaline, as indicated by ISB shallow basin. Such alkaline condition is favored to form sugars with the formose reaction. Concentrated borate in such alkaline basin might have helped to form and sequester ribose, selectively. Lunebergite further helps phosphorization of nucleoside (Kim et al., 20016).
Boron-rich (and also phosphate-rich) and alkaline environments also expected locally at around mud volcano on the slop of proto-arc, similar to the model proposed by Holm (2012). Inside of deep marine sediments around the proto-arc would have offered boron and phosphate-rich and alkaline environment (Mishima et al., 2016). Formorse reaction could happen not only at evaporite basin but also in deep marine environments around the Hadean proto-arc. As the result, ribose would have been the major aldopentose in Hadean proto-arc environments.