JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017



セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-AS 大気科学・気象学・大気環境

[A-AS09] [EE] 成層圏-対流圏相互作用 ―統一領域としての新しい視点―

2017年5月24日(水) 17:15 〜 18:30 ポスター会場 (国際展示場 7ホール)

[AAS09-P20] Development of a cloud particle sensor for radiosonde sounding

*藤原 正智1杉立 卓治2清水 健作2林 真由美3相良 一生3稲飯 洋一4柴田 隆5岩崎 杉紀6清水 厚7野間 靖久3川北 英明3中川 太郎8奥村 聡8 (1.北海道大学 大学院地球環境科学研究院、2.明星電気株式会社、3.神栄テクノロジー株式会社、4.東北大学、5.名古屋大学、6.防衛大学校、7.国立環境研究所、8.神栄株式会社)

キーワード:cloud, radiosonde

A meteorological balloon-borne cloud sensor called the cloud particle sensor (CPS) has been developed. The CPS is equipped with a diode laser at ~790 nm and two photodetectors, with a polarization plate in front of one of the detectors, to count the number of particles per second and to obtain the cloud-phase information (i.e. liquid, ice, or mixed). The lower detection limit for particle size was evaluated in laboratory experiments as ~2 micro m diameter for water droplets. For the current model the output voltage often saturates for water droplets with diameter equal to or greater than ~80 micro m. The upper limit of the directly measured particle number concentration is ~2 cm^−3 (2 × 10^3 L^−1), which is determined by the volume of the detection area of the instrument. In a cloud layer with a number concentration higher than this value, particle signal overlap and multiple scattering of light occur within the detection area, resulting in a counting loss, though a partial correction may be possible using the particle signal width data. The CPS is currently interfaced with either a Meisei RS-06G radiosonde or a Meisei RS-11G radiosonde that measures vertical profiles of temperature, relative humidity, height, pressure, and horizontal winds. In the presentation, results from four flights, two in Japan and two in Indonesia, are discussed in detail.