[ACG44-P03] Characteristics of the Rainfall over Luzon during the Summer Monsoon of the Philippines
キーワード: summer monsoon, Philippines, monsoon break, Intra-seasonal Oscillation
The changes in rainfall over Luzon Island during the summer monsoon of the Philippines are investigated using averaged pentad rainfall data from 1981-2010. A monsoon break (P32 to P34; Jun. 5 to Jun. 19) after the climatological onset (P29, May 21 to May 25) was identified. The break is associated with the southwestward extension of the subtropical high during the seasonal evolution of the Western North Pacific Monsoon (WNPM). The break is obvious in stations located over the north and central Luzon. The average rainfall distribution reveals the impact of intra-seasonal oscillations in the summer monsoon rainfall of the Philippines.