JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017



セッション記号 P (宇宙惑星科学) » P-EM 太陽地球系科学・宇宙電磁気学・宇宙環境

[P-EM14] [EE] Dynamics in magnetosphere and ionosphere

2017年5月20日(土) 17:15 〜 18:30 ポスター会場 (国際展示場 7ホール)

[PEM14-P02] 惑星間空間磁場Byが制御する昼間側沿磁力線電流系の起源

*渡辺 正和1,2田中 高史1藤田 茂3 (1.九州大学国際宇宙天気科学・教育センター、2.九州大学大学院理学研究院、3.気象大学校)

キーワード:field-aligned current, magnetospheric dynamo, magnetohydrodynamics

It is well accepted that the field-aligned current systems (FACs) on the dayside are controlled by the dawn-dusk (By) component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). We here describe the FAC systems for southward IMF. During IMF By-dominated periods, there appears a pair of FAC sheets in the midday sector. When IMF By is positive, in the Northern Hemisphere, the equatorward current flows into the ionosphere while the poleward current flows away from the ionosphere. The flow directions are opposite in the Southern Hemisphere. When IMF By is negative, the above-mentioned flow directions reverse. Although the morphology is well established, as for the understanding of the magnetospheric sources of those currents, there has been almost no progress in the past two decades. This is because what we can know from observations is very limited. To overcome the difficulty, we performed numerical magnetohydrodynamic simulations using the REPPU (Reproduce Plasma Universe) code recently developed by T. Tanaka. In the talk, we discuss the dynamo processes revealed by the numerical modeling.