[PPS04-P01] アルマ望遠鏡を用いたエキサイティングな研究への招待
キーワード:formation of planetary systems, solar system objects, the sun, millimeter and submillimeter waves
ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) provides unique opportunities of exciting discoveries through millimeter and submillimeter (84 - 950 GHz) imaging with very high spatial and spectral resolution and sensitivity. Polarimetric imaging is also possible. In this paper, we present the current observing capabilities of ALMA that are relevant to the studies of protoplanetary/debris disks around stars, a variety of solar system objects, and the solar chromosphere. Observing proposals are collected every year. After the 1-year period of proprietary use by the proposers, all the observed data becomes open to any reserachers as the ALMA archival data, which provides additional opportunities for discoveries. Interested readers are welcome to visit the following wibsites:
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan/ALMA
East Asian ALMA Regional Center
ALMA Observatory
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan/ALMA
East Asian ALMA Regional Center
ALMA Observatory