JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017



セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-VC 火山学

[S-VC50] [JJ] 火山・火成活動と長期予測

2017年5月20日(土) 17:15 〜 18:30 ポスター会場 (国際展示場 7ホール)

[SVC50-P10] 北海道東部,雌阿寒岳,阿寒富士の噴火活動とマグマ供給システム

*佐藤 鋭一1和田 恵治2 (1.神戸大学大学教育推進機構、2.北海道教育大学旭川校)


Akanfuji, situated in the Me-akan volcano of Eastern Hokkaido, started its eruption ca. 2.1 ka, and its activity continued for 1,100 years. During this period, 17 eruption deposits (Akf-1-Akf-17) can be discerned. The mode of the eruptions of this volcano was mainly of the scoriaceous sub-plinian type. Lava flows are often associated with the scoria eruption. The eruption history of Akanfuji is divided into five stages. In the first stage (Akf-1), scoria fall with many lithic fragments was deposited from northeast to east of the volcano. In the second stage (Akf-2-Akf-3), two larger eruptions occurred and coarse scoria falls were deposited to the northeast. In the third stage (Akf-4-Akf-13), some eruptions occurred and the scoria falls were dispersed in a northeast to southeast direction. This stage is characterized by the finding of orthopyroxene in the deposits. In the forth stage (Akf-14-Akf-16), three larger eruptions occurred and voluminous scoriae were deposited to northeast (Akf-14) and from southeast to south (Akf-15-Akf-16). In the final stage (Akf-17), fine scoria fall was deposited from northeast to southeast. Akanfuji had erupted basalts through its history. Two types of basalts (types I and II) are recognized on the basis of phenocrysts assemblage. Type I is orthopyroxene (opx) bearing olivine (ol)-crynopyroxene (cpx) basalt and Type II is cpx bearing ol-opx basalt. Both types show mineralogical evidences of magma mixing, which are reaction products such as cpx overgrowth around opx phenocrysts, wide range of core compositions, and coexistence of normaly and reversely zoned plagioclase, olivine, and pyroxenes. Zoning profiles of these phenocrysts show timing of magma mixing. We can estimate the time from mixing of the basaltic magmas to the eruption.