JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017


[JJ] ポスター発表

セッション記号 G (教育・アウトリーチ) » 教育・アウトリーチ

[G-04] [JJ] 小・中・高等学校,大学の地球惑星科学教育

2017年5月20日(土) 15:30 〜 17:00 ポスター会場 (国際展示場 7ホール)

コンビーナ:畠山 正恒(聖光学院中学高等学校)

[G04-P03] Observation and education in geoscience by using low-priced instruments

*楊 時賢1林 迎瑩1,2Tang-Iunn S.-S. (1.台湾國立中央大學太空科學研究所、2.台湾國立中央大學大氣科學學系)

キーワード:geoscience education

In this presentation, we will introduce four experiments and hands-on activities for geoscience observing and measuring by using low-priced and small-sized commercial instruments. The Black Box for Environmental Measuring (BBEM) system is based on Arduino platform, low-power consumption sensors are employed to measure meteorological and environmental parameters. Built-in accelerometer on BBEM or smartphone could be used to observe shake and vibrations by earthquake and strong wind. Webcam is used to detect and record sprites, thunders, and the development of cumulonimbus, as well as automatically visibility observation. A simple VLF receiver is built by using the audio interface on computer, and the observed signals show the variations of the ionospheric D-region. These experiments are practical which have been applied in classroom and science outreach in Taiwan.