JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017


[EE] 口頭発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-GI 地球科学一般・情報地球科学

[M-GI27] [EE] Challenges of Open Science: Research Data Sharing, Infrastructure, and Scientific Communications

2017年5月23日(火) 09:00 〜 10:30 A08 (東京ベイ幕張ホール)

コンビーナ:村山 泰啓(国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構統合ビッグデータ研究センター)、Toczko Sean(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)、Cecconi Baptiste(LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, PSL Research University)、Brooks Hanson(American Geophysical Union)、Kerstin Lehnert(Columbia University)、小口 高(東京大学空間情報科学研究センター)、近藤 康久(総合地球環境学研究所)、座長:Cecconi Baptiste(LESIA - Observatoire de Paris)、座長:Toczko Sean(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)

09:45 〜 10:15

[MGI27-04] Toward Open and Beyond! Sharing Data in the Earth Sciences


*Kerstin Lehnert1Brooks Hanson2 (1.Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University、2.American Geophysical Union)

キーワード:Open science, Data sharing, Research infrastructure

The paradigm of Open Science is recognized as a powerful and essential catalyst for the advancement of science in the 21st century, and as a necessary and guiding principle for the integrity and validity of research to ensure trust in the scientific process and its results. One of the primary requirements of Open Science is the open sharing of data, code, and other research materials on a global scale. This is especially relevant in the Earth Sciences, where urgent societal problems such as climate variability, effective prediction of natural hazards, and sustainable management of the natural resources cannot be answered with locally constrained datasets and where society must have confidence in the basis for impacts and decisions that can have large economic and societal effects. Over the past few years, publishers, repositories, and funders have developed a number of best practices around presenting, linking, and curating these related research products. Our presentation will focus on these best practices for sharing data, code, and samples and on developing the broader infrastructure that can support such data sharing in a sustainable manner. We will report on progress made in the Earth Sciences over recent years towards the open sharing of data in the Earth Sciences, reporting on US-based and international initiatives such as EarthCube and COPDESS. We argue that the concept of ‘open’ is not a sufficient and adequate goal; instead open data must be FAIR – findable, accessible, interoperable, and re-usable. This requires additional support by the community so that data can be explored and interpreted with confidence and in new multi-disciplinary perspectives.