JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017


[EJ] 口頭発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-IS ジョイント

[M-IS09] [EJ] 津波堆積物

2017年5月23日(火) 09:00 〜 10:30 201A (国際会議場 2F)

コンビーナ:篠崎 鉄哉(筑波大学アイソトープ環境動態研究センター)、千葉 崇(北海道大学大学院理学研究院附属地震火山研究観測センター)、石村 大輔(首都大学東京大学院都市環境科学研究科地理学教室)、後藤 和久(東北大学災害科学国際研究所)、座長:篠崎 鉄哉(筑波大学アイソトープ環境動態研究センター)

10:00 〜 10:30

[MIS09-05] Features of erosion and sedimentation due to the September 2015 flooding of the Kinu River, central Japan


*松本 弾1澤井 祐紀1行谷 佑一1谷川 晃一朗1中村 淳路1山田 昌樹2篠崎 鉄哉2竹田 大輔2藤野 滋弘2Pilarczyk Jessica3 (1.国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所、2.筑波大学、3.The University of Southern Mississippi)


Fluvial flooding is among the most destructive natural disasters comparable to tsunamis. An accurate identification between flood and tsunami deposits still remains controversial, which complicates appropriate future risk assessments for these disasters. Enhancing descriptive data on modern flood and tsunami deposits is one of the basic approach to the problem. In this study, we describe the patterns of erosional scour and sedimentary deposition generated by the September 2015 flooding of the Kinu River in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan. During the flooding event, water levels in the Kinu River rose rapidly due to heavy rain that ultimately overtopped, and subsequently breached a levee, causing destructive flooding on the surrounding floodplain. Distinctive erosional features are found near the breached levee, with sandy crevasse-spray deposit distributed adjacent to them. Based on the observation in conjunction with grain-size and diatom analyses, the deposit can be divided into three sedimentary units. The vertical and lateral changes of these sedimentary features might be the result of temporal and spatial changes associated with flow during the single flooding event. These observations and quantitative data provide information that can be used to reveal the palaohydrology of flood deposits in the stratigraphic records, leading to improved mitigation of future flooding disasters.