11:15 AM - 11:30 AM
[MIS16-09] Characterization of topography-bottom sediment-benthos in shallow gas hydrate fields of the Japan Sea
High backscatter areas are often observed on the summit of mounds or topographic high, rather than within the pockmark and on the flank. Carbonate clasts and bacterial mats distribute in relatively narrow region within the high backscatter area, their distributions, however, do not overlap each other. Methane flux/concentration is not the only process which can constraint the precipitation of carbonate and cultivation of bacterial mats together. The Zoarcidae and red snow crab likely live on the high backscatter areas except within the pockmarks, the topography, controlling bottom current, slope angle etc., as well as bottom sediment type may constraint their distributions. Our results show the importance of integrated seafloor data for assessing the effects of gas hydrate formation/dissociation on the seafloor environments.
This study used data collected during the academic researches and expeditions conducted under the commission from AIST as a part of the methane hydrate research project funded by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan.