JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017

Presentation information

[JJ] Poster

M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary) » M-SD Space Development & Earth Observation from Space

[M-SD36] [JJ] Space foods and Space Agriculture

Sat. May 20, 2017 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall HALL7)

convener:Naomi Katayama(Nagoya Women's University)

[MSD36-P03] Applied pasta to space foods of the disaster food

*MIKI KAWAI1, NAOMI KATAYAMA1 ( women's university)

Keywords:Space foods, Disaster foods, pasta

In a long-term unit to the space, the meal for life support is important. Because the astronaut of all the countries of the world performs cohabitation in the space station in particular, a universal meal is required. Therefore we thought about the disaster foods as space foods. The pastar is eaten by world people. We want to apply pasta of the disaster food to space foods.The pasta is eaten by world people. We want to apply pasta of the disaster food to space foods. We performed a seasoning evaluation. The pasta which investigated seasoning is peperoncino, carbonara, pasta of the mushrooms. We can make the pasta by using boiling water in three minutes. In addition, making pasta is in three minutes with a range and in 20 minutes with water. We evaluated ten points of taste at a perfect score and evaluated it in VAS score. As for result, average ±SD level ten points, as for the carbonara : hot water is 7.6±1.1, cold water is 5.8±2.1, the microwave is 7.9±1.4
As for the peperoncino: hot water is 7.2±1.5, cold water is 6.2±1.6, microwave is 7.7±1.8. As for the mushroom pasta: hot water is 6.9±1.3, cold water is5.9±1.5, microwave is 6.9±1.5.