10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
[O02-03] Irrelevant Chemical Terms
★Invited papers
Keywords:chemical terms, high-school textbook, highschool/univerity linkage
The scientific terms used in Japanese junior-high and high-school science/chemistry textbooks are sometimes irrelevant; namely, either they do not convey the intended meaning, or the same notion is to be expressed by other term(s) in college/university chemical education or research. In 2014 a Subcommittee on High-School Chemical Terms, headed by the presenter, had been organized in the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) to survey such terms, and reports on about 30 terms have been published in the CSJ’s official journal in 2015 and 2016. Examples include the Japanese translation of de-sublimation, ionic formula, molten salt electrolysis, mass action law, oxonium ion, amount of substance etc. The current status and the desirable direction for improvement are to be discussed in the presentation.