JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017

Presentation information

[JJ] Poster

O (Public) » Public

[O-05] Poster presentations by senior high school students

Sun. May 21, 2017 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall HALL7)

1:45 PM - 3:15 PM

[O05-P62] Observations of sprites by the grating and identification of bright lines

*Risa Higuchi1, Asaka Hattori1 (1.Ichinomiya High School)

Keywords:sprite, spectra

We installed a diffraction grating in Watec100N,which in a sensitive monochrome video camera,and we observed spectra of sprites with it.
And we tried to identify bright lines by following the steps described below.
1. To subtract about ten average images which have been photographed before and after the emission of sprites’ light.
2. To make brightness of the images uniform.
3. To calculate the wavelength of sprites’ spectra of a mercury lamp and a neon lamp.
4. To consult literature for the wavelength of spectra of oxygen and nitrogen.
5. To try to identify bright lines comparing the results of the above-mentioned facts of No.3 and No.4.