JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017


[JJ] ポスター発表

セッション記号 O (パブリック) » パブリック

[O-06] [JJ] 日本のジオパーク-しくじりから見えてくるジオパークの理想像-

2017年5月20日(土) 10:45 〜 12:15 ポスター会場 (国際展示場 7ホール)

コンビーナ:松原 典孝(兵庫県立大学大学院 地域資源マネジメント研究科)

[O06-P25] The Challenges and Prospects of Study Tour in Dinosaur Valley Fukui Katsuyama Geopark

*町 澄秋1 (1.恐竜渓谷ふくい勝山ジオパーク推進協議会)


We have officially accepted 3 parties of tour (kind of study tour) in 2016: from Biei, Hokkaido; from Obihiro, Hokkaido; and Okazaki, Aichi.

The party from Biei was members of study tour to visit outside Hokkaido. They carry out this tour every year. The participants are elementary school students in Biei. Biei is the area of the aspiring Tokachidake Geopark. They decide to visit us during the tour to see and learn other geopark(s).

The visitors from Tokachi were members of Tokachi Study Group of Natural History. They cally out an excursion every year and this year they visited geoparks in Hokuriku region (Tateyama Kurobe Geopark, Hakusan Tedorigawa Geopark and Dinosaur Valley Fukui Katsuyama Geopark).

The visitors from Okazaki were a group of science teachers. Some of them are geoscience teachers. They carry out such a study tour every year.

We report the challenges and prospects through the experience to accept those tours.