JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017


[EE] 口頭発表

セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-IT 地球内部科学・地球惑星テクトニクス

[S-IT25] [EE] New constraints on the asthenosphere and its role in plate tectonics

2017年5月20日(土) 10:45 〜 12:15 A02 (東京ベイ幕張ホール)

コンビーナ:William Bythewood Hawley(University of California Berkeley)、川勝 均(東京大学地震研究所)、日置 幸介(北海道大学大学院理学研究院地球惑星科学部門)、Thorsten W Becker(Jackson School of Goesciences, The University of Texas at Austin)、座長:Hawley William (University of California Berkeley)、座長:川勝 均(東京大学地震研究所)

11:15 〜 11:30

[SIT25-09] Simple plate cooling model is no longer applicable to the upper mantle beneath the northwestern Pacific: Evidence from marine magnetotellurics

*馬場 聖至1多田 訓子2,1松野 哲男3梁 朋飛1李 蕊白1張 羅磊4清水 久芳1阿部 なつ江5平野 直人6市來 雅啓7歌田 久司1 (1.東京大学 地震研究所、2.海洋研究開発機構 地球深部ダイナミクス研究分野、3.神戸大学 海洋底探査センター、4.同済大学 海洋与地球科学学院、5.海洋研究開発機構 海洋掘削科学研究開発センター、6.東北大学 東北アジア研究センター、7.東北大学大学院理学研究科 地震・火山噴火予知研究観測センター)

キーワード:marine magnetotellurics, electrical conductivity, oceanic upper mantle, plate cooling, Northwestern Pacific

The old oceanic lithosphere and asthenosphere beneath the northwestern Pacific Basin cannot be interpreted by the lithospheric age difference under a framework of the simple cooling of thermally conductive homogeneous mantle. This surprising result is now more definitely constrained by the electrical conductivity structure models obtained for four areas: northwest (Area A) and southeast (Area B) of the Shatsky Rise, off the Bonin Trench (Area C) and off the Japan Trench (Area D) where the representative lithospheric ages of these areas are 130, 140, 147, and 135 Ma, respectively. The marine magnetotelluric (MT) data were collected through several projects in the areas during the last decade. The 1-D electrical conductivity structure models of the upper mantle representing the areas were estimated by the state-of-art method that takes account for the effect of coast line and seafloor topography which can distort the electric and magnetic field significantly. The 1-D models show a highly resistive upper layer and a conductive zone, which are typical feature of the oceanic upper mantle and can be interpreted as the cool lithospheric mantle and warmer asthenospheric mantle. The significant difference among the four areas was found in the thickness of the resistive layer. The depth that electrical conductivity increases more than 0.01 S m-1 is ~90 km, ~100 km, ~190 km, and ~150 km for Area A, Area B, Area C, and Area D, respectively. The thermal structures for the ages representing the four areas predicted from a lithospheric cooling model are not different from each other very much and therefore such thermal model cannot reproduce the difference in the conductivity structures observed. It is necessary to introduce more dynamic processes such like small-scale convection, melt migration associated with the lithospheric flexure, and influence of plume associated with the Shatsky Rise formation. Observational evidence from the present marine magnetotellurics is one of the key issues for understanding the lithosphere-asthenosphere system (LAS) in the northwestern Pacific.