


英語 口述5

Respiratory Disease

2015年6月6日(土) 10:15 〜 11:15 第7会場 (ホールD5)

座長:Tetsuo Miyagawa(昭和大学)

[O-0356] Introducing The Multi-Functional ADL Evaluation Chart

Mental, Emotional, Physical and Social functions

Tsukasa Yonamine (Ryukyu Rehabilitation Academy)

キーワード:ADL, Multi-Function, Evaluation

【Purpose】There were many kinds of ADL measurement tools. Most all of them mainly focused on physical function. Physical function and ADL have many similarities but are not synonymous. When Physiotherapists asses their client’s goal, they have to evaluate not only physical aspect but various aspects of client’s life. Dillen et al(1989)described function as human performance in all aspects of life. They subdivided function into four separate components:Mental, Emotional, Physical and Social. The Multi-Functional ADL Evaluation Chart based on the Dillen concept. In this chart mental function deals with intellectual, cognitive and neuropsychological ability, like hemi-neglect, anosognosia. Emotional function is affect and effectiveness in psychologically coping with life stress, like anxiety and depression. Physical function deals with sensory-motor tasks. Social function is the ability to perform social roles and maintain human relationships. The chart contains six items of basic mobility, five items of self care, four items of indoor ADLs, and six items of outdoor ADLs.
The purpose of this presentation is to show a newly made Multi Functional ADL Evaluation Chart from the concept of Dillen’s concept.
【Methods】49 years old man, brain stem hemorrhages 15 years ago, quadriplegia, ataxia, former instructor of a university, lives with parents and sibling family in a 2nd floor house. He could not get out of his home after discharge, not only because of his physical disabilities but also his depression.
【Results】In this chart, it showed his problem of total rehabilitation for his life is contributed by not only physical but emotional factors.
【Discussion】This chart is not yet used as an objective assessment for person’s activity. But Physiotherapist can use this chart to reveal therapists or evaluator’s point of view as they assess the person’s possibility to change.