
Presentation information



Thu. Jul 8, 2021 11:35 AM - 11:50 AM 第3会場

座長:小林 義男(電通大・院情報理工学)

11:35 AM - 11:50 AM

[2603-03-01] Mossbauer Study of Nb substituted Fe2O3 nanoparticles

〇ハビブル ラフマン1、中島 覚1 (1. 広島大学)

Non magnetic metals are used to enhance magnetic property and stability of iron oxide nanoparticle. Nb substituted γFe2O3 was obtained by Sol-gel method using Propylene oxide as gelating agent. Influence of Nb on γFe2O3 was examined using PXRD, TEM and Mossbauer Spectroscopy. It was found that the increase amount of Nb resulted in an increase of phase transformation temperature of γFe2O3 to αFe2O3 and at higher temperature of 700 °C Nb got separated from αFe2O3 crystal to form FeNbO4.