



2021年7月9日(金) 16:35 〜 17:35 第2会場

座長:山下 琢磨(東北大)

17:05 〜 17:20

[3413-17-03] Free volume in complex lyophilized formulations by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy

〇Chiari Luca1、櫻井 直人1、藤浪 眞紀1 (1. 千葉大学)

Biopharmaceutical preparations are preserved by embedding the active ingredients in amorphous lyophilized formulations containing additives, which provide higher storage stability. However, the exact stabilization mechanism remains unknown. In this study, the free volume as an indicator of molecular mobility was measured in complex lyophilized preparations containing various stabilizers by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy to explore new possibilities for stability evaluation in pharmaceutical products.